One Way Video Interview Test

One Way Video Interview Test

What is the One Way Video Interview?

The One Way Video Interview is a feature of the Free Response Test that allows candidates to record video responses to questions. This method provides deeper insights into a candidate’s communication skills, personality, and critical thinking abilities.

How does the One Way Video Interview work?

Candidates are presented with questions to which they must respond by recording a video. This format enables candidates to articulate their thoughts and demonstrate their verbal communication skills effectively.

Where can I access the Free Response Test?

To assess your candidates, reach out to us or sign up for Alooba to get started with the Free Response Test.

What types of tasks are best suited for One Way Video Interviews?

One Way Video Interviews are particularly effective for tasks that require strong communication skills, clear articulation of ideas, and a demonstration of personality and presence.

Can candidates practise for One Way Video Interviews?

Yes, candidates can practise by recording themselves answering sample questions. This helps them become comfortable with the format and improve their communication skills.

How do these tests fit into the overall hiring process?

Free Response can be integrated at various stages of the hiring process, such as initial screening, mid-stage assessments, or final evaluations. They provide valuable insights that complement other assessment methods like multiple-choice tests.

Integrate One Way Video Interviews in your hiring process by including them in your candidate assessment workflow. Use them as a preliminary screening tool to identify top candidates who can effectively communicate and present their ideas.

What roles are suited for One Way Video Interviews?

Although this would be beneficial for any role, roles that benefit from strong communication and presentation skills are ideal for One Way Video Interviews. This can include positions in sales, customer service, management, consulting, and any role requiring public speaking or frequent client interaction.

How are Free Response Tests scored?

Most free response questions do not have a single correct answer. Automated scoring is not available for these questions. Instead, you can review responses against model answers and key indicators to provide a manual score.

How can I evaluate One Way Video Interviews?

Review the video responses against the model answers and key indicators provided during the question setup. This manual scoring method ensures a thorough evaluation of the candidate’s abilities.

What kind of feedback do candidates receive after completing these tests?

Candidates typically receive feedback on their performance, highlighting their strengths and areas for improvement. This feedback can be based on the comparison with model responses and key indicators.

Can candidates get extra time for the One Way Video Interview?

Yes, candidates can be given up to 30 minutes of additional time, which is adjustable between 2-30 minutes, at the end of the initial test duration.

How can I ensure consistency in scoring these tests?

To ensure consistency, use the model responses and positive indicators as benchmarks. Standardised scoring rubrics and guidelines help maintain objectivity and fairness across all evaluations.

How long does it take to review a One Way Video Interview?

The review time can vary depending on the number of questions and the length of the video responses. Typically, reviewing video responses is more efficient than conducting live interviews as you can assess candidates at your convenience.

Can I add my own questions for One Way Video Interviews?

Yes, while Alooba provides a set of questions for One Way Video Interviews in the Free Response Test, you can add your own custom questions via the 'Question Bank'.

How do I add my own questions for One Way Video Interview?

To add a One Way Video Interview question, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the 'Question Bank' in the sidebar on the left side of the screen.
  2. Click on '+Add Question' on the top right corner of the page.
  3. Select 'Video' from the options provided.
  4. Fill in the required fields such as 'Question Title', 'Skill', 'Topic', 'Question', 'Model Response', 'Positive Indicators', 'Word Limit', 'Difficulty', 'Time Allocated (minutes)', 'Total Marks', 'Video Time Limit', and whether it is 'Video Only'.
  5. Preview the question to see how candidates will view it on their screen.
  6. Click 'Publish Question' to make it live.

How to fill in the fields for a One Way Video Interview question?

  • Question Title: The title should be descriptive and concise, summarising the essence of the question.

  • Skill: Select the relevant skill being assessed. If it's not listed, you can add a new skill.

  • Topic (optional): Select a relevant topic if applicable.

  • Question: Write the question you want the candidates to answer.

  • Model Response (optional): Provide an example of an ideal answer.

  • Positive Indicators (optional): List key points or attributes to look for in the responses.

  • Word Limit: Set a word limit for the written summary (between 20-600 words).

  • Difficulty: Choose the difficulty level (Easy, Medium, Hard).

  • Time Allocated (minutes): Set the total time given to complete the response.

  • Total Marks: Specify the maximum marks for the question.

  • Video Time Limit: Select the maximum time for the video response (1 minute, 3 minutes, or 5 minutes).

  • Video Only: Check this box if you want the response to be video only.

What Are the Minimum Technical Requirements?

To ensure a smooth assessment experience, adhere to the following technical requirements:

  • Stable Internet Connection: A reliable and stable internet connection is essential.

  • Supported Browsers: Use an up-to-date version of Safari, Firefox, Chrome, or Edge.

  • Device Requirements: Complete the assessment on a desktop or laptop for the best experience.

  • Additional Tools: A pen, paper, and calculator may be useful for making notes and performing calculations.

Make Assessments a Part of Your Hiring Process

Using One Way Video Interviews into your hiring process provides a dynamic method to evaluate candidates' communication skills, personality, and problem-solving abilities. This format allows hiring managers to assess how candidates articulate their thoughts, handle situational questions, and present themselves, all of which are crucial for roles requiring strong interpersonal skills.

By including One Way Video Interviews, you can understand your candidates during the initial screening process, reduce scheduling conflicts, and ensure objective and consistent evaluation.

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